Raging Falls

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New!BookmarkLockedFalling Raging Falls Pack {Ranks, Land, Rules}
0 3,494
Jan 26, 2014 20:29:02 GMT


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Raging Falls
The land around the pack is more than less your basic dense forest land.The only thing that makes it unique is the large waterfall that runs almost all the way through it. The waterfall up close is rapid and dangerous, but as you scout through the territory and follow it's small stream, the water is clear and for the most part safe. The forest is thick and the trees are thick with leaves that provide shade from the scorching of the sun.  The Camp where the pack stays has many tunnels of dens and is able to support large amounts of canines. Prey: The forest consists of many kinds of small prey such as rodents, birds, and bbits. During the spring, deer and elk herds thrive and occasionally the wild turkey roam
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